Please note the mend and repair cafe now meets at the Newent Memorial Hall

The Mend & Repair Cafe in Newent has been operating since April 2018 at the Chill-Out Zone. Open every third Saturday in the month. Our team comprises a dozen volunteers, all with a range of practical skills acquired through work or DIY at home.

We deal with a wide range of items, often challenging but everything tackled with much enthusiasm and some great skill. Even if the repair is beyond us, the effort to get to the bottom of the problem has been appreciated and items taken to recycling with a clear conscience. Lots of knives and garden shears have been sharpened; items of clothing shortened, patched or repaired; broken toys mended, vacuum cleaners declogged, necklaces restrung, wooden chairs pinned and glued, and electrical items repaired, PAT tested or pronounced unusable.

The Café vibe is great and sells hot and cold drinks and delicious homemade cake.